Privacy Policy

Last checked on July 31st, 2023

Privacy Policy

At Diversity Simplified, we recognize the importance of protecting your personal information and are committed to processing it responsibly. Your privacy is our utmost responsibility, and it is our policy to respect your privacy concerning the information we may collect while you visit our website.

We have developed our policy for you to understand how we collect and use your data. Here are the outlines of our Privacy Policy:

While you would be using our services or if you wish to contact us, we may ask you to provide us with our personal data to contact you on the ‘Contact Us’ page. Data we might require are email address, role, first and designation.

We will collect personal data by legal and fair means and, only wherever/whenever it is a necessity.

We don’t share your personal data with any other country or company unless they’re having proper security control for making sure the safety of your personal and related data.

We take steps ahead gradually and rationally to ensure that your data is completely handled securely under our policy.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google, used to report and track the traffic of the website. It not only executes the data collected for examining and tracking the service utilization but also shares this data with other services of Google. Further, this information might be used by Google for customizing and contextualizing its promoting systems.

Data Security

Your data is certainly very important for us, yet you need to be aware that there is no electronic storage or process of internet transmission that comes with 100% security. We follow all the commercially established methods for protecting your data but we can’t come with a complete guarantee of protection.

Changes to our Privacy Statements

We may change its Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our data governance practices. The policy changes will be posted here with an updated revision date. If you are continuing to use our websites after such modification takes effect we consider that you have read and understood the changes.

Third-Party Sharing

We do not share your personal data with any other country or company unless it is necessary for providing our services or complying with the law. Any third-party service providers will have proper security controls to ensure the safety of your personal data.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or wish to contact us or wish to correct or delete your personal data, you can reach us at -

Your privacy is our priority, and we are committed to protecting your personal data to the best of our ability.